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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Hillcrest Road, Dudley

SEND Information

From September 2014, all schools are expected to publish information about their provision for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

This includes the 'Local Offer', which helps parents/carers understand what services they and their families can expect from a range of local agencies. It should help them understand how the system works, and how the local authority, local area and the school will support both the child and the family.

Our SENCO is Mrs Clare Hickman. You can contact her by telephone: 01384 889424 or by email:

You can read details of our special needs provision and local offer below:

You can read our latest SEN Policy on our Policies page.

Dudley Local Offer is a one stop shop of information and services to children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities under the age of 25 who live in Dudley Borough, along with parents, carers and family members: