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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Hillcrest Road, Dudley

Policies and Documents

This page will provide access to certain documents that are most relevant to our parents.

For further information or to request documents that are not on this page, or to view any of our policies in paper format, please contact us at school.

Policy Documents


St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is one of the feeder schools for Bishop Milner Catholic College with, on average, 95% pupils moving to Bishop Milner Catholic College after Year 6.

See the Bishop Milner website for details of the school, along with their open days.

Privacy and Data Protection (GDPR)

The European-wide General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is being incorporated into UK law and will apply even when we have left the European Union. The reason for it is that we all need protection from data theft and identity theft. This has become more widespread in recent years with so much data being collected for organisations, governments and social media. So the new law should help us to protect everyone; children, parents/carers and staff members at the St John Bosco Catholic Academy.

One of the main demands of the new law is to ensure transparency about what data we collect, what we do with your data, who it is shared with and how long we keep records for. So we need to keep you informed.

This will be a developing part of the website to keep everyone updated on where we are up to as we try to be fully compliant with the law.


Preventing Extremism

As part of our safeguarding ethos we encourage pupils to respect the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. We ensure that partisan political views are not promoted in the teaching of any subject in the school and where political issues are brought to the attention of the pupils, reasonably practicable steps have been taken to offer a balanced presentation of opposing views to pupils.

Other Documents