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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Hillcrest Road, Dudley

Event - Vocations Assembly

23 May 2014

On Friday 23rd May the children from St Joseph’s took part in a special Vocations Assembly.

The children from all of the classes shared the work that they had completed about vocations during the week in school with their parents. Then, to finish off the special assembly the children sang together a lovely song based on vocations!

In Nursery

In Nursery the children talked about the type of person God is calling them to be – being kind and sharing.
In Reception the children predicted what they thought God might call them to do in the future.

In Year 1 the children talked about the information their visitors and the posters they had made.
Year 2 read their acrostic poems and talked about the type of person God was calling them to be.

Year 3 sang a lovely song that Dan Callow had taught them on the First Holy Communion retreat day during vocations week.
In Year 4 the children read out the speeches they would make if they were planning to be the next Prime Minister.

Year 5 shared the information from their special visitors.
Finally, Year 6 acted out the roles their visitors were responsible for carrying out.