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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Hillcrest Road, Dudley

Event - Early Years Multicultural Week

31 March to 4 April 2014

The children have had a fantastic week in school this week.

Each day they pulled a chair into the classroom and took their seat to board the flight to a surprise destination. As they banged their feet on the floor to land the plane, the cultural music began and the PowerPoint switched to pictures of the country they had landed in.

We landed in the USA on Monday, India on Tuesday, Poland on Wednesday and France on Thursday.

We ended our Multicultural Week with a fantastic Multicultural Festival where all children in the school performed with their class. We danced to an Indian song in front of the other children, teachers and parents.

The children and teachers have had a truly fabulous week in the Early Years!

On board the flight!
Trying our hand at American cheerleading.

Decorating and eating American doughnuts..
Yummy! Poppadom food tasting in India!

Banging drums to the beat to Bhangra music.
Our Year 6 teacher Mrs Cheema visited us to teach the children words in Punjabi.

We all dressed up in Multicultural clothes on Wednesday! Everyone looked great!
We tasted Polish juice on the flight to Poland handed out by the air stewardess.

Our Polish visitor read a story and talked to some of our Polish children.
Onto France and tasting French baguettes!

Children made their own French flags and waved them around to French music.
A Spanish parent visited us on Friday and taught us all about Spain.

Our Multicultural Festival.