Event - Holy Week Assemblies
24 to 27 March 2015
On Tuesday 24th March Year 3 shared their Palm Sunday Assembly with both the school and their parents. The children acted out the events of Palm Sunday and also taught us all lots of interesting things through their question and answer presentation.
On Wednesday 25th March it was Year 4’s turn to act out the events of the Last Supper. The children played thoughtful music in the background as they acted out the special events.
On Thursday 26th March Year 5 shared their Agony in the Garden Assembly. It was a lovely assembly, even though it was the sad story of when Jesus was betrayed and taken away by the guards. Year 5 made us think about what Jesus would have been feeling at this time. Well done Year 5!
Finally on Friday 27th March Year 6 presented their Way of the Cross assembly.
Year 3 acting out the events of Palm Sunday. |
Year 4 acting out how Jesus shared the bread and wine with his disciples. |
Year 5 all ready to present their assembly. |
1st Station – Jesus is condemned to death. |
2nd Station – Jesus is given a heavy cross to carry. |
3rd Station – Jesus falls for the first time. |
4th Station – Jesus meets his mother. |
5th Station – Simon helps Jesus carry the heavy cross. |
6th Station – Jesus meets a woman who wipes Jesus’ face. |
7th Station – Jesus falls for the second time. |
8th Station – Jesus meets the women who are crying. |
9th Station – Jesus falls for the third time. |
10th Station – The guards take away Jesus’ clothes. |
11th Station – Jesus is nailed to the cross. |
12th Station – Jesus dies on the cross. |
13th Station – Jesus’ body is taken down from the cross. |
14th Station – A stone in rolled in front of the tomb where Jesus’ body is.. |
Following a few moments of quiet reflection the children, parents and staff sang Here at Your Feet together. |