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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Hillcrest Road, Dudley

Event - Anti-Bullying Week Celebration

24 November 2014

On Monday 24th November St Joseph’s celebrated all of the work the classes had completed during Anti-bullying, Anti-racism and e-safety week in school.

Everyone in the school made a special anti-bullying promise and wrote it on a blue link. The links have all been attached together to make a very long anti-bullying chain!

Reception shared their work on how to be a good friend.
Year 4 shared their learning about the effects that being bullied can have on a person.

Year 1 shared the work that they had completed during the special week.
Year 3 shared the poems which they had written.

Year 5 shared their work on how people who bully and the victim feel.
Year 2 shared the worry boxes which they had made.

Year 6 shared the role plays which they had created.
Our VERY long anti-bullying chain!