School Blog

Loudmouth Theatre
A big thank you to Loudmouth Education and Training my who visited our school today to work with our Year 6 children. Loudmouth delivered their Helping Hands workshop which was all about keeping safe both in the real world and online as well as giving the children...

Our Mission Team opened our MVVP (Mission, Values, Vocation and Prayer) Week by sharing a prayer they wrote together. This week we will be looking at our school mission and values along with the importance of prayer and responding to God’s call.

Year 4 Mass
Thank you to Year 4 for leading our whole school Mass this morning. We celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham and thought about how special Mary is to us.

Mary’s Meals
A BIG thank you to Hannah who visited us from Mary’s Meals this week! We learned what happens to our donations and how it makes a difference to our brothers and sisters around the world.

Caring for Creation
During Merit, Prayer and Liturgy on Friday we watched a lovely video which reminded us if the beautiful world God has created for us. So many amazing animals and plants that we have the responsibility to care for and protect.

Year 5 Mass
Well done to Year 5 for leading our whole school Mass today. The children acted out the Gospel of the widow whose son had died. This reminds us that to be like Jesus we should show love and compassion to all.

Prayer for the Earth
During Merit, Prayer and Liturgy this morning we continued our journey through the season of creation by sharing a video prayer of Pope Francis’ prayer for the earth.

Fratelli Tutti
The children have been researching and deciding on which charity to support in each class this year!

Creation Guardians
Our Creation Guardians are back in action this term! They are planning and working together to develop St Francis’ Forest!

Mary’s Birthday
In celebration of Our Lady’s birthday yesterday, during Prayer and Liturgy this morning we prayed a decade of the Rosary and sent Mary spiritual bouquets of flowers to show her how much we love her.

Meet the Teacher
It was lovely to welcome so many parents into school for our Meet the Teacher event after school today! We are very excited for the year ahead!

St Francis’ Forest
We are developing a new area for our children – St Francis’ Forest! As you can see the trees are excited!

Cafod’s National Assembly
We continued our journey through the season of creation with CAFOD this morning by sharing their National Assembly during Merit, Prayer and Liturgy.

Welcome Back!
It was lovely to gather together again today. We kept our promise to pray for last years Y6 as they start their new schools, shared St Joseph’s Way, our half terms focus on mindfulness and began our journey of Creation with One Life Music.