St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

School Blog

Parents’ Evening

Parents’ Evening

Thank you to all the parents who attended parents’ evening this evening. It was lovely to be joined by our school nurse too!

Year 1 Mass

Year 1 Mass

Well done to our Year 1 children for leading Mass today. They might get some of our youngest children but Year 1 all took an active part in reading, acting, being in the band and being part of the offertory.

Black History

Black History

A focus on Black History this week in school. Learning about important figures and how they stood up for equality – something that Jesus teaches us is so very important.

Year 6 at Dudley Zoo

Year 6 at Dudley Zoo

Year 6 visited Dudley Zoo this week to take part in a very informative session based on classification linked to their Science topic. They also listened to a talk about orangutans and explored all the animals too!

Year 6 Assembly

Year 6 Assembly

Well done to Year 6 for leading our Merit, Prayer and Liturgy today. The children shared their learning about Black History Month and how the way we should treat each other is written in Scripture – ‘love one another as I have loved you’ this leads us nicely into our...

Year 5 Trip

Year 5 Trip

Year 5 enjoyed a day at the Alexandra theatre, watching Awful Auntie, amazing production and the children loved the staging and lighting effects! Great cast and many laughable moments had by all!

Harvest Mass

Harvest Mass

Well done to our Year 2 children who led our Harvest Mass this week – they did so beautifully. A BIG thank you to everyone who was able to donate a tin of food. All donations will be sent to the Good Shepherd Appeal in Wolverhampton.

Prayer and Liturgy

Prayer and Liturgy

Thank you to Year 4 who led our Prayer and Liturgy on Friday. The children were remembering key figures from the Old Testament – including Joseph and his Technicolor dream coat – and what we can learn from them today.

Keeping Safe

Keeping Safe

PC Cat Purser joined Year 5 and 6 to talk about how to keep themselves safe on the darker Autumn evenings. They talked about how to trick or treat safely and respectfully and the importance of keeping their distance from fireworks!

Mental Health Day

Mental Health Day

Children have been wearing yellow and being creative with yellow arts and crafts to make World Mental Health day little bit brighter!

St Francis of Assisi

St Francis of Assisi

Today, during Merit, Prayer and Liturgy, as well as praying the Rosary together, we celebrated the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi and the end of the church season of Creation. We learned about the life of St Francis and why he is such a role model to us today.

St Francis’ Forest

St Francis’ Forest

As today is St Francis of Assisi’s Feast Day we officially opened St Francis’ Forest! There’s more to come but we can’t wait for the children to start enjoying the new area of our school!

Year 3 Mass

Year 3 Mass

Thank you to Year 3 for leading our whole school Mass this week. Eloquent reading to help us pray together and wonderful acting to help us understand the Gospel.

Laudato Si

Laudato Si

During Merit, Prayer and Liturgy today we reminded ourselves of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si. We talked about the importance of caring for creation and preserving the beautiful world God created for us to take care of.

School Council

School Council

Today our School Council held their first meeting of the school year. The children discussed their responsibility to have a say in making the school the best it can be.

Creation Guardians

Creation Guardians

Our Creation Guardians have had a busy week! First they harvested the potatoes they planted and then created a delicious soup to take home to enjoy! From the garden to the table!