St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

School Blog

EYFS Nativity

EYFS Nativity

Well done to Nursery and Reception children for sharing their Nativity play today. The children sang and acted beautifully and were so very proud of them.

Church Service

Church Service

It was very special to share the Nativity in church tonight. Thank you to the wonderful children and their parents for coming to be with us. In the hectic time before Christmas it’s so important to be reminded of the real reason we celebrate.



Just waiting for Santa and his reindeers to arrive! We’re SO excited!

Christmas Fair

Christmas Fair

Thank you to everyone who joined us this evening! An amazing event! Thank you to everyone who donated prizes and their time to make our fair so special!

Advent Angels

Advent Angels

In the week ahead, full of nativity plays, carols concerts and excited children it’s nice to know that the staff have an Advent Angel to look after them.

Carol Concert

Carol Concert

It was lovely to sing for the other schools in our MAC and our special friends from SP118 in Wroclaw Poland today!

Polar Express

Polar Express

Our children in Nursery and Reception enjoyed their Polar Express Experience today! Everyone had a special ticket and enjoyed a day being warm and cosy in their pyjamas!

Year 1 Mass

Year 1 Mass

Well done to Year 1 who did a beautiful job of leading our whole school Mass this morning!



Truly wonderful to have Father Louis bless our Bambinellis today at the beginning of Mass. So special to continue the tradition started by Pope John Paul II and take a Christmas blessing home.

Dog’s Trust

Dog’s Trust

Thank you to Dog’s Trust for visiting our school this week.  The children took part in workshops and learned how to be safe.

Year 1 Cinema Trip

Year 1 Cinema Trip

Year 1 had a fantastic time at the cinema this week! The children enjoyed a private showing of Paddington in Peru! The children were all so very well behaved and we are so proud of them!

Year 2 visit the Botanical Gardens

Year 2 visit the Botanical Gardens

Year 2 enjoyed their trip to the Botanical Gardens! The children enjoyed learning even more about plants and animals and they represented our school brilliantly!

Reception visit Wonderland!

Reception visit Wonderland!

Reception had a wonderful time at Wonderland today! They played in the snow and enjoyed a visit to see Father Christmas – we’re happy to report they’re all on the good list!

Year 2 Led Mass

Year 2 Led Mass

Thank you to Year 2 for leading our whole school Mass today! The children read, acted, played instruments and brought up the offertory so reverently. Following Mass we learned all about Noah and placed his symbol on the Jesse Tree to remind us about the importance of...

Advent Ready!

Advent Ready!

We are Advent ready! The displays have turned purple, the advent wreath is ready, the characters are on their way to Bethlehem and the Jesse Tree is ready too!

Year 3 Mass

Year 3 Mass

Thank you to Year 3 who led our whole school Mass this week. We were thinking about when Jesus will come again and how we can be ready!