St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

School Blog

Ofsted Report

We are so very proud to share our OFSTED Report! Here are some of our favourite quotes: ‘Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary’, ‘Leaders have an unwavering determination for every pupil to succeed’, ‘St Joseph’s is a nurturing school where pupils are equipped to excel and...

Year 3 Mass

Year 3 Mass

Thank you to Year 3 who led our Mass today. Lovely reading, acting and instrument playing to make our worship so very special. We would also like to thank the family that brought in flowers for Our Lady too!

Online Safety

Online Safety

This week some of our oldest children have had a visit from PC Cat Purser who talked to them about the importance of keeping themselves safe online.  The children learning about the importance of keeping information safe and what to do if something goes wrong.

St Francis’ Forest

St Francis’ Forest

Some of our Year 6 children helped to add some new additions to St Francis’ Forest today! They worked together to create a bird watching hut and compost bin and then helped place our new investigation station and hedgehog house!

Year 4 Mass

Year 4 Mass

Thank you to Year 4 for leading our whole school Mass this morning. The children read, acted and led us in prayer beautifully.

Jubilee Year 2025

Jubilee Year 2025

Today during Merit, Prayer and Liturgy we learned about the Jubilee Year – Pilgrims of Hope. We watched a video to understand why the year is so important, investigated the logo, agreed to sign the Jubilee Pledge and launched our special Jubilee Year doors.

Awards Celebration

Awards Celebration

What a great celebration assembly! Improved attendance, attendance, ace attendance. spelling winners, mission award winners, a performance form the choir and the house cup awarded to Respect!

On the Good List!

On the Good List!

I’m pleased to announce that all of the children from St Joseph’s are on the good list! Santa and Mrs Claus popped in to St Joseph’s this morning to give all the children a present to say well done!

Advent Journey

Advent Journey

We completed our school Advent Journey today, by sharing our Advent Service. We lit the final candles on the Advent wreath, added the final symbols to the Jesse Tree and placed baby Jesus in His manager with Mary and Joseph.

Year 5 Nativity

Year 5 Nativity

Well done to our children from Year 5 who shared the Birth of Jesus and the story of the Shepherds and Angels this morning. Beautiful solo singing, acting and a very thoughtful presentation.

Mission Awards

Mission Awards

Well done to the Mission Team for looking through all the Mission Award Applications today! The winners will be presented with their badges tomorrow!

Year 6 Nativity

Year 6 Nativity

Well done to our Year 6 children for completing our Nativity story by sharing the tale of Herod and the Wisemen this afternoon. Wonderful acting and thoughtful music and images to complete our Nativity journey.

Year 6 Mass

Year 6 Mass

Thank you to Year 6 for leading our final mass of the year. Beautiful prayers, reading and acting. Well done children.

KS1 Nativity

KS1 Nativity

Well done to our KS1 children for sharing their Nativity play. A lovely play to remind us of the greatest story ever told – the birth of Jesus Christ. Thank you children.

Outstanding CSI Report

Outstanding CSI Report

We are very proud to share our latest CSI (Catholic Schools Inspection) report – OUTSTANDING IN ALL AREAS! 2024 11 CSI Report St Joseph’s, Dudley

Year 3 Nativity

Year 3 Nativity

Thank you to Year 3 for sharing the Annunciation, Visitation and Joseph’s Dream part of the Nativity story this morning. Beautiful singing and stunning images too. Well done children.

Year 4 Nativity

Year 4 Nativity

Thank you to Year 4 who shared their part of the Nativity story this afternoon. The children shared Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem, how it was a difficult journey but Joseph took care of Mary and found them a place to rest for the night – a humble stable.

Advent Reconciliation

Advent Reconciliation

As part of getting ready in Advent the children from Years 4, 5 and 6 took part in Reconciliation with Fr Louis today. An opportunity to reflect and repent for the times we have been less than perfect.