St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School



It is our intent at St. Joseph’s that EVERY child becomes a confident and fluent reader and that every child can speak accurately, confidently and with passion about books they have read.

We intend to ensure all pupils to read widely across both fiction and non-fiction to develop knowledge of themselves and the world in which they live, to establish an appreciation and love of reading, to gain knowledge across the curriculum and to develop their comprehension skills.

It is our intention to ensure that, by the end of their primary education, that all of our children will be able to read fluently, and with confidence, in any subject in their forthcoming secondary education.


Reading Vipers

Reading will be, in the main, linked to our units of English. We use VIPERS to ensure progression and coverage through the different domains of reading.

Reading Vipers

Each class reads to children for 15 minutes each day in school. The class reading book will be a book linked to the unit they are studying through our English units.

There is a ‘book exchange’ at the front of the school, where the school community can share, take home and read and then return to the school.

There are also opportunities for children to read outside on the playground too.

Individual Reading

All children in KS1 and on the Phonics Programme should be heard read once a week. Records must include the name of the book, the date the child has been heard read and notes about how the child is progressing – this is in addition to completing the child’s reading record which MUST go home and come back to school to show how parents and the school are working together.

In addition, the lowest 20% (approx. 6 children) and Pupil Premium children in KS1 will be heard read at least twice a week to accelerate progress.

In KS2 children complete 90 minutes of individual reading through Reading Plus each week in school.

In addition, the lowest 20% (approx. 6 children) and Pupil Premium children in KS2 will be heard read at least twice a week to accelerate progress.

Reading Plus

What our Children Say…

“Reading makes you clever.” – Year 4 child

“I have a passion for reading – non- fiction and fiction. Non-fiction helps you learn more and fiction spreads our knowledge about different worlds.” – Year 5 child

“I liked reading as a class, it’s good to be able to talk about what might happen next!” – Year 6 child

Deepening Opportunities

We have Reading Plus to help deepen children’s understanding and knowledge of reading.  The class novels and well chosen to match children’s age and interests.  Non-Fiction Friday is a planned opportunity to deepen understanding of the range of texts and topics on offer to children.  The children volunteered to create a group of Librarians and take their job very seriously in promoting reading both inside and outside of the classroom.

There is a reading exchange at the front of the school which is well used by children and their families.