St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Key Stage 2

Key Stage 2 is made up of Years 3, 4, 5 and 6.

In Key Stage 2 we enjoy studying English, Maths, Religious Education, Science, Art, Design Technology, Music, Computing, History, Geography, Physical Education and Relationships Health and Sex Education. We also introduce Modern Foreign Languages in Key Stage 2. We ensure the curriculum is broad and balanced throughout Key Stage 2 in line with the requirements of the national curriculum.

As a Catholic School we teach at least two and a half hours of RE per week in addition to our weekly School Masses and daily assemblies.

We welcome parents into our classes regularly as we hold termly ‘open lessons’ where parents are invited to join in a lesson with their child, followed by a chat and a coffee with the class teacher to ask any questions.

We have a Teacher of Spanish from Bishop Milner Catholic College to deliver Spanish lessons to every class throughout Key Stage Two along with expert music teachers from Dudley Performing Arts who teach drums to Years 3 and 4 and guitars and orchestra to Years 5 and 6 during the year.

Years 4 and 5 take it in turns to go swimming every week and work hard to reach the expected level of being able to swim 25m unaided by the end of Key Stage 2!

In Key Stage 2 we have members of the School Council who meet at least once a term to discuss a variety of issues and help the school leaders to continually improve our school. We run a Fairtrade Tuckshop to encourage everyone in the school to buy Fairtrade products where possible and support the work of Fairtrade.

Every class in Key Stage 2 has Mission Team members who help to monitor and evaluate the R.E, Collective Worship and Catholic Life of the school by completing regular audits. Each class also has 2 Creation Guardians who work together to look after the world that God created and Minni Vinnies who work together to support both local and global charities.

All of the Key Stage 2 children have lots of opportunities to go on visits, we have taken children to the Houses of Parliament in London, Birmingham Museum on the bus, Cadbury World, Wren’s Nest Nature Reserve, Thinktank and many more – we also have lots of interesting visitors in to school too!