St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School


We’d be delighted to hear what you think about our school and our website. Please click the button below to send us your comments.

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Previous Guestbook Comments

Thank-you for your message Michael. I can remember some of my class friends but have forgotten some. Many went on to Bishop Milner, a couple went to Sir Gilbert Claughton’s School but I was the only boy in my year to head off to Rowley Regis Grammar School.

Rating: Excellent

Kieron McMahon

24 Sep 2021

I remember Kieron. I was that teacher. I think he also came on youth hostelling trip to Edale with me. As well as being a past pupil of the school 1950-1956 I taught year 6 from 1969 until 1972. I have many happy memories of the school. The staff at the time that I taught there were Sr Lucy, Mrs Maloney, (deputy) Miss Donnelly, Mr Vincentin the Junior department. In the infants department, which was in temporary classrooms across the street were Mrs Sutcliffe, Mrs Bradley and one other.

Rating: Excellent

Michael Pioli

11 Apr 2020

Re: Sue Feeney’s comments [23rd Jan 2019] I attended after her spell at St. Joseph’s. My memory is not as good but I do remember the strict discipline of Miss Hanton. Unfortunately, I was a bit naughty at school and was often in Sister Lucy’s office with my mother getting an ear-bending! Dudley used to have lots of snow in those days and the slides we created in the sloping playground were like glass. We also created a runaway snowball at the top of the green in the middle of the bus shelters. By the time it got to the bottom it was massive and caused havoc with the shoppers waiting for the bus. I cannot remember the name of the teacher in the last class – he travelled the USA in the summer of 1969 and he used to show us his fascinating slides of the trip. Probably undernourished, we were all very thin back then so the chocolate sponge and pink custard was our salvation! But, oh dear, the warm milk through a straw – the horror!

Rating: Excellent

Kieron McMahon

26 Jan 2019

Such happy memories of my time at St. Joseph’s in the 1950’s when I was 4 until 1962. I’ve got one of those weird memories that seems to retain everything & can name most of the 42 pupils in my class, all our teachers etc and I loved my school very much. When I moved to London I kept in touch with Sister Lucy and went to visit her – she was a good friend & a lovely person, I still have a pic of her taken with her sisters in Irelend who all became nuns. Miss Round was our amazing & very talented music teacher and I loved singing, My first teacher was Miss Whitwell, there was also Miss Cronin, Miss Hanton,Miss Dillon, all very strict, George the caretaker with his bucket & brush. The school was then located next to Our Lady & St. Thomas’s church & almost opposite my birthplace at 5, Tannery Buildings, Trindle Road. Would love to hear from anyone who wants to know any more or who remembers those special times, my maiden name was Hickens & my Nans family were Hensman.

Rating: Excellent

Sue Feeney

23 Jan 2019

I remember Father Rev Fr Emmanuel Rev Fr Bengt from St Mary’s and John’s church in Wolverhampton. Hope you are both well. This is a lovely, colourful and helpful website.

Rating: Excellent


07 Jul 2018

Taught 1960/62 at St Joseph’s. Sr Lucy was Headteacher. Visited site in Bourne St to find it redeveloped. Would like to hear from anyone with information from that era.

Rating: Excellent

Barbara Doherty

10 Oct 2016

I’ve visited the school to pick up an application form for the nursery. The receptionist was very polite and helpful. Having someone so pleasant at the first point of contact really encourages you to want to send your children to that school.

Rating: Excellent


31 Aug 2016

I have never seen a website so usefull. thank you.

Rating: Excellent


08 Feb 2015

I attended St Josephs in the 1950s, and happened on the website whilst trying to find out what happened to Sister Lucy. Thought the website was fantastic. Clear, colourful and easy to use.

Rating: Excellent

Maureen Fitzgibbons

14 May 2014

I was lucky enough to have a guided tour of your school today and I just wanted to say what a lovely, welcoming, engaging school it is! The variety of displays and calm nature of the classrooms was fantastic to see. ps Great, colourful website too!

Rating: Excellent

Lucy Abbiss

07 Mar 2014

Fantastic Website really enjoyed looking through it. Would it be possible to have any copies of the pictures taken in Church. Christmas Carol Concert 2013 please.

Rating: Excellent

Jane Turley

27 Jan 2014

Former student from about 30 years ago. From the time of Sister Lucy, Mr Cody, Mrs Dunne etc. Great web! I’m now a primary teacher too in Madrid, Spain. A big hi to everyone!

Rating: Excellent

Brian D'Silva

26 Jun 2013

Former student from nearly 15 years ago. Just wanted to give a friendly hello to the school from Korea. Funny how far you can get from Korea.

Rating: Excellent

Simon Yale

04 Nov 2012

I went to st josephs 25 yrs ago. If you are reading this mr spiteri i am anns daughter. You havent changed a bit. lovely school.

Rating: Excellent

Evonne Davies

11 Sep 2012

This website is great, it stands out from the crowd.

Rating: Excellent


22 May 2012

I’m a teacher from Poland. The website is great! Congratulations.

Rating: Excellent


24 Apr 2012

Website looks excellent. Well done. My prayerful wishes and best wishes for all the activities of St. Joseph. Keep it up.

Rating: Excellent

Fr Paulraj

23 Apr 2012

I Love this website, its so nice to see some of my old teacher (Miss Matthews and Mrs Harold) still continuing there great work. St Josephs is a wonderful primary school and im glad i had the opportunity to be apart if it. Keep up the good work!

Rating: Excellent

Catherine Braham

05 Apr 2012

Great website, very easy to navigate and lots of relevant information.

Rating: Excellent

Karen Shaw

03 Mar 2012

A big well done St Josephs the website looks fantastic and very informative and easy to use.

Rating: Excellent

Leanne Griffin

05 Feb 2012

I’m a teacher in Spain and i’ve enjoyed ‘visiting’ your school. The web is very completed. it’s possible I’ll visit the web links for teachers.

Rating: Excellent


02 Feb 2012

Hello all – What a fab website! I had a fantastic time looking at all of the old classrooms I used to teach in and looking at all of the ‘old’ staff I used to work with! St Joseph’s looks like it is still the exciting, friendly and caring school it always was. Love Julie.

Rating: Excellent

Julie Bradley

18 Jan 2012

The website is great! it has all the following things you need to know. St.Joseph’s is lovely school to get primary education.

Rating: Excellent

Deepa Perera

19 Dec 2011

Superb website! Bright and colourful background, meaning: the whole of St Joseph’s School is charming. I like idea of Children on the front, and all you said about your Catholic identity. God bless St Joseph’s School, Dudley.

Rating: Excellent

Mary-Grace Ogbaje

19 Dec 2011

Loving your new website St Josephs! I’m a former pupil 1997 and it’s lovely to see my old school thriving and I can’t believe Mr Teague is the only one left from the old staff!. St josephs really is the best!

Rating: Excellent

Lucy Ford

19 Dec 2011

The new site looks great.

Rating: Excellent

Michala Mcglynn

08 Dec 2011

Website is looking fantastic. Great idea to put the newsletters on as they don’t always get to parents from the children. Nathaniel is my 3rd child to attend St. Josephs and I’ve always felt it’s such a wonderful school.

Rating: Excellent

Barbara Lyons

08 Dec 2011

I have enjoyed very much the visit to your new website. Well done.

Rating: Excellent

Manuela Lopez-Cabrera

07 Dec 2011

A much improved website – love the pictures of the staff!

Rating: Excellent

Ruth Wilkinson

29 Nov 2011

Love your new website – bright and vibrant just like St Josephs – well done!

Rating: Excellent

Andrea Chalk

25 Nov 2011