St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Introduction to our Faith

Our Catholic faith is at the very heart of our school and is evident as soon as you step through our doors in what you will see, hear and feel inside St. Joseph’s.

We work very hard to treat everyone in school with care and respect just as Jesus taught us to ‘love one another as I have loved you’.

Our close link with our Parish is very important to us and our school chaplain is the Parish Priest, Father Louis Le Van Hong. All of our assemblies and prayer services throughout the week are rooted in the teachings of Jesus.

St. Joseph’s serves a vibrant multicultural and multi-faith community and care and respect for individual differences is very much at the heart of our ethos. This is emphasised regularly throughout the day. As well as the daily acts of collective worship our children also pray regularly throughout the day in their classrooms.

Our entire curriculum and school culture is based on the teachings of Christ and children are taught to become kind, respectful, forgiving and caring young people. Great care is taken to make links between the Gospels and our day to day behaviour and treatment of others.

Jesus is at the heart of our school and as such we welcome and value equally all members of our school community, Catholics and non Catholics alike.

Weekly Mass

At St. Joseph’s we celebrate a weekly mass at 9.15am on Tuesdays, where the whole school comes together with our Parish Priest and Parishioners to share our faith.

Our Masses are truly beautiful spiritual occasions where our children read and sing in thanksgiving to God.

Mass takes place in our School Hall

Everyone is welcome at Mass