St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Design Technology


Within our Design and Technology Curriculum, we set high expectations for all children whether they are prior higher attaining, from disadvantaged backgrounds, children with English as an additional language or have a specific educational need or disability.

Our Design and Technology curriculum is rooted in the Catholic Schools Pupil Profile and the national curriculum.  The aim of the whole school curriculum is to nurture within the children all of the values and academic skills described in the Catholic Schools pupil profile whilst delivering the requirements of the national curriculum for each subject and the agreed Diocesan curriculum for Religious Education.  The CSPP is presented as a tree symbolising children’s growing competence across the curriculum as they progress from year to year through their education at St. Joseph’s.

What our Children Say…

“DT helps you improve your cooking skills.” – Year 5 child

“It’s very fun – I love cooking!” – Year 4 child

“I enjoy learning ways to make things and love crafts!” – Year 3 child

Deepening Opportunities

We have an after-school club which children are encouraged to attend this is over subscribed and much loved by children.

There are trips to give children the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of design further eg. ThinkTank, Motor Museum, MAD Museum etc.