St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
In November, We Remember

In November, We Remember

In November we remember. To remember those who have died and gone to be with Jesus we have been writing their names on brightly coloured strips and decorating the front of our school.
Poetry Recital

Poetry Recital

A BIG well done to the children from Joseph’s Jigsaw, Nursery, Reception and Years 1 -6 this afternoon for their wonderful poetry recitals! It was lovely to see so many happy, confident children proudly sharing their poems!
Black History

Black History

A focus on Black History this week in school. Learning about important figures and how they stood up for equality – something that Jesus teaches us is so very important.
Harvest Mass

Harvest Mass

Well done to our Year 2 children who led our Harvest Mass this week – they did so beautifully. A BIG thank you to everyone who was able to donate a tin of food. All donations will be sent to the Good Shepherd Appeal in Wolverhampton.
Keeping Safe

Keeping Safe

PC Cat Purser joined Year 5 and 6 to talk about how to keep themselves safe on the darker Autumn evenings. They talked about how to trick or treat safely and respectfully and the importance of keeping their distance from fireworks!
St Francis of Assisi

St Francis of Assisi

Today, during Merit, Prayer and Liturgy, as well as praying the Rosary together, we celebrated the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi and the end of the church season of Creation. We learned about the life of St Francis and why he is such a role model to us...