St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Poetry Recital

Poetry Recital

Our Poetry Recital was wonderful this afternoon! Children from Nursery to Year 6 sharing poems they’d learned! The children were confident, happy and entertaining! It was lovely to be joined by so many parents too!
Brilliant in Britain Week

Brilliant in Britain Week

This week has been a Brilliant in Britain Week where we have been looking at different cultures and the contribution of significant people. During the week the children have looked at England and Princess Diana, Pakistan and Malala Yousafzai, Africa and Nelson...
RSPB Birdwatch

RSPB Birdwatch

Today we took part in the RSPB Birdwatch! Children went into St Francis’ Forest and hid in the bird hide and other creative places to see which birds they could spot!
Online Safety

Online Safety

This week some of our oldest children have had a visit from PC Cat Purser who talked to them about the importance of keeping themselves safe online.  The children learning about the importance of keeping information safe and what to do if something goes wrong.
Jubilee Year 2025

Jubilee Year 2025

Today during Merit, Prayer and Liturgy we learned about the Jubilee Year – Pilgrims of Hope. We watched a video to understand why the year is so important, investigated the logo, agreed to sign the Jubilee Pledge and launched our special Jubilee Year doors.
On the Good List!

On the Good List!

I’m pleased to announce that all of the children from St Joseph’s are on the good list! Santa and Mrs Claus popped in to St Joseph’s this morning to give all the children a present to say well done!
Advent Journey

Advent Journey

We completed our school Advent Journey today, by sharing our Advent Service. We lit the final candles on the Advent wreath, added the final symbols to the Jesse Tree and placed baby Jesus in His manager with Mary and Joseph.