St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St Francis’ Forest

St Francis’ Forest

Some of our Year 6 children helped to add some new additions to St Francis’ Forest today! They worked together to create a bird watching hut and compost bin and then helped place our new investigation station and hedgehog house!
Year 6 Nativity

Year 6 Nativity

Well done to our Year 6 children for completing our Nativity story by sharing the tale of Herod and the Wisemen this afternoon. Wonderful acting and thoughtful music and images to complete our Nativity journey.
Polar Express

Polar Express

Our children in Nursery and Reception enjoyed their Polar Express Experience today! Everyone had a special ticket and enjoyed a day being warm and cosy in their pyjamas!
Loudmouth Theatre

Loudmouth Theatre

A big thank you to Loudmouth Education and Training my who visited our school today to work with our Year 6 children. Loudmouth delivered their Helping Hands workshop which was all about keeping safe both in the real world and online as well as giving the children...