St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Year 2 Assembly

Year 2 Assembly

Thank you to Year 2 who led our Prayer, Merit and Liturgy on Friday. The children shared their learning about the Feast of Candlemas and acted out how Mary and Joseph presented Jesus in the Temple.
Year 1 Assembly

Year 1 Assembly

Thank you to Year 1 who led an assembly all about St John Bosco today. The children shared information about his life and linked his work to Catholic Social Teaching.
Advent Journey

Advent Journey

We completed our school Advent Journey today, by sharing our Advent Service. We lit the final candles on the Advent wreath, added the final symbols to the Jesse Tree and placed baby Jesus in His manager with Mary and Joseph.
Year 6 Nativity

Year 6 Nativity

Well done to our Year 6 children for completing our Nativity story by sharing the tale of Herod and the Wisemen this afternoon. Wonderful acting and thoughtful music and images to complete our Nativity journey.
KS1 Nativity

KS1 Nativity

Well done to our KS1 children for sharing their Nativity play. A lovely play to remind us of the greatest story ever told – the birth of Jesus Christ. Thank you children.
Year 3 Nativity

Year 3 Nativity

Thank you to Year 3 for sharing the Annunciation, Visitation and Joseph’s Dream part of the Nativity story this morning. Beautiful singing and stunning images too. Well done children.
Year 4 Nativity

Year 4 Nativity

Thank you to Year 4 who shared their part of the Nativity story this afternoon. The children shared Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem, how it was a difficult journey but Joseph took care of Mary and found them a place to rest for the night – a humble...