St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Advent Angels

Advent Angels

In the week ahead, full of nativity plays, carols concerts and excited children it’s nice to know that the staff have an Advent Angel to look after them.
Advent Ready!

Advent Ready!

We are Advent ready! The displays have turned purple, the advent wreath is ready, the characters are on their way to Bethlehem and the Jesse Tree is ready too!
St Joseph’s Experiences

St Joseph’s Experiences

We’ve been thinking about the experiences we’d like children to have during their time at St Joseph’s. We’ve made a list of exciting experiences we promise to offer and shared some ideas of activities which can be done at home too!
St Francis’ Forest

St Francis’ Forest

As today is St Francis of Assisi’s Feast Day we officially opened St Francis’ Forest! There’s more to come but we can’t wait for the children to start enjoying the new area of our school!
Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

It was lovely to gather together again today. We kept our promise to pray for last years Y6 as they start their new schools, shared St Joseph’s Way, our half terms focus on mindfulness and began our journey of Creation with One Life Music.