St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Online Safety

Online Safety

The children have been learning about online safety today as it’s Safer Internet Day! We have sent a link out to our parents too to help them stay up to date with the latest online safety information!...
Window Decorations

Window Decorations

We are really pleased with our new hall window decorations! Three images to show the Sacraments we prepare our children to receive: Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation alongside an image of the cross.

Ofsted Report

We are so very proud to share our OFSTED Report! Here are some of our favourite quotes: ‘Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary’, ‘Leaders have an unwavering determination for every pupil to succeed’, ‘St Joseph’s is a nurturing school where pupils are equipped to excel and...
Awards Celebration

Awards Celebration

What a great celebration assembly! Improved attendance, attendance, ace attendance. spelling winners, mission award winners, a performance form the choir and the house cup awarded to Respect!
Mission Awards

Mission Awards

Well done to the Mission Team for looking through all the Mission Award Applications today! The winners will be presented with their badges tomorrow!