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Reception’s Assembly

On Friday 5th July the children from Reception shared all of their learning from their first year together in school during their special assembly. The children showed how they had been good disciples of Jesus by following his examples in their friendships and...

Road Safety

On Wednesday 3rd July the children from Year 6 were visited by a road safety representative from Dudley to talk about the importance of travelling safety – especially important for our Year 6’s who will be travelling to their new secondary school sin...

Prayer Bags

On Wednesday 3rd July the children from Year 6 received their Holy Spirit themed prayer bags to take home which are a gift from the school. The children really enjoyed taking their prayer bags home and sharing them with their family. Year 6’s prayer...

Sports Days!

On Monday it was afternoon nursery and reception class who enjoyed their sports days, Tuesday it was the turn of morning nursery children, Wednesday years 4, 5 and 6 enjoyed taking part in all the races and on Thursday years 1, 2 and 3 finished off our sporting week!...