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KS1 lead Mass

On Tuesday 9th July it was the turn of the children from Years 1 and 2 to lead our whole school Mass celebrated by Father Louis. The children did a lovely job of reading and acting to make Mass a special event in our school week – thank you children! KS1’s...

Hagley Band Visit

On Monday 8th July children from Hagley Secondary School visited us to share a musical presentation which this year had a punk theme! All of the children enjoyed learning about the theme of punk and about some of the instruments the children were playing. Everyone had...

Sports Day Winners!

On Monday 8th July during our Gospel Assembly we congratulated the SPorts Day Winners for 2019. All of the points were added together from the different sports days held last week and we are pleased to announce that it was a VERY close competition this year but it was...

A trip to the seaside!

On Friday 5th July the children from Year 2 went on a special visit to the seaside! The children arrived very early at school to catch the coach to visit Clevedon Pier and the Lifeboat Station at Portishead. The children all had a wonderful time and really enjoyed the...