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International Link Assembly – Celebration

During our special link assembly two children from each class came and shared the poster that their class had created during our International Link Day. The children prepared posters all about Irena Sendler who was a nurse who worked hard to save lots of children...

International Link Assembly – Dance

During our International Link assembly on Tuesday 13th March the children from Reception class shared a Polish dance that they had been learning. The children did a great job of starting our special assembly and really enjoyed sharing their dance with lots of parents...

Live Link up to SP118

On Tuesday 13th March we celebrated our link day with our partner school in Poland SP118.  The children all came to school dressed in red and white – the colours of the Polish flag. During the day the children will be learning about famous Polish people who...

A visit to SP118

On Monday 12th March Mr Hinton, Miss Cresswell and Miss Bullock who are visiting SP118 in Poland went into one of the classes who were learning lots about Queen Elizabeth II. The children shared their learning with the our teachers and showed some of the beautiful...