by Sam Chapman | Mar 29, 2018 | Announcements
During our end of term merit assembly on 29th March we congratulated our spelling winners for this half term. Each week children who achieve full marks in their spelling test get to put a raffle ticket into a special spelling jar. Once every half term a winner from...
by Sam Chapman | Mar 29, 2018 | Announcements
On Thursday 29th March during our end of term merit assembly we congratulated all the children who have had good attendance or 100% attendance for both the Spring term and the Autumn and Spring Term. The children who have achieved 100% attendance for both the Autumn...
by Sam Chapman | Mar 28, 2018 | Catholic Life, Celebrating Faith
On Wednesday 28th March the children from St Joseph’s acted out the events of Holy Week in the Church. It was a beautiful service and the children acted, read, played instruments and sang beautifully! One Parishioner commented, “The children did a wonderful job, they...
by Sam Chapman | Mar 28, 2018 | Catholic Life, Celebrating Faith
On Wednesday 28th March we enjoyed another fantastic performance form the B-Tales Theatre Group. The B-Tales came into school to share their Easter production which tells the story of Jesus’ life, the miracles he performed followed by the Events of Holy Week...
by Sam Chapman | Mar 28, 2018 | Catholic Life, Celebrating Faith
On Wednesday 28th March it was the turn of Year 5 to share their Holy Week Assembly. Year 5 presented the Agony in the Garden where after Jesus had prayed to his Father in Heaven he was betrayed by Judas and captured by the soldiers. One child commented, “Jesus...