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A visit to Poland!

On Friday 9th March Mr Hinton, Miss Cresswell and Miss Bullock flew to Poland to visit our partner school SP118 in Wroclaw. The staff from St Joseph’s will spend the week working with the children and staff from SP118. Tuesday is also our International link day where...

Year 1 lead Assembly

On Friday 9th March the children from Year 1 shared their special assembly all about how Jesus feed the 5000. The children read and acted beautifully and helped us all to understand the miracle Jesus performed and linked it to the values we are learning about this...

Dementia Prayer Week

The week beginning Monday 5th March is Dementia Prayer Week. The Mini Vinnies held a special service to prayer for both people who suffer with Dementia and the people who care for them. The children also planned their visit to Broadway Halls Care home later this...

Year 5 lead Mass

On Tuesday 6th March it was the turn of Year 5 to lead our whole school Mass in school. The children did a wonderful job reading, acting, bringing up the offertory and creating a lovely altar display. The children also reminded us why it is so important to forgive...

Prayer Bags

On Monday 5th March the children from Years 4 and 5 received the special gift from the school of a prayer bag to take home and use with their families. Inside each bag is a cloth, candle, special bookmark and a lovely holding cross which is carved from the wood of the...