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Year 2 out and about!

On Wednesday 8th November Year 2 went on a visit to The Black Country Museum. The children visited The Black Country Museum to find out what life was like 100 years ago as part of their History topic in school. The children learned so much which will help them with...

KS1 lead Mass

On Tuesday 7th November the children from Years 1 and 2 worked together to lead our whole school Mass. The children prepared the readings, a role-play, the offertory and a lovely display to make Mass just perfect. Well done everyone form Key Stage...

Art in Action!

On Friday 3rd November Year 4 went on a trip to Wolverhampton Art Gallery to look at some Pop Art and take part in an Art Workshop. The children travelled to the gallery by bus and really enjoyed looking at all of the art work and being able to create some of their...

Back to Basics!

On Wednesday 1st November Year 3 went on a trip to Telford to complete a Back to Basics course related to their topic work. The children had a great time outdoors making shelters and sitting around a fire! All the children learned lots during the day to help them with...