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Year 6 reward!

On Friday 17th May the children from Year 6 celebrated the end of SAT’s with a trip to the cinema! The children have worked so hard and been so focussed this week – we are VERY proud of them all!

Year 1 visit Tesco

On Friday 3rd May the children from Year 1 visited Kerry at our local Tesco. The children investigated lots of different fruits and where they grow before choosing some to bring back to school to make fruit salad! The children had a wonderful time and would like to...

Year 1 visit church

On Wednesday 10th April the children from Year 1 walked to Our Blessed Lady and St Thomas of Canterbury Church in Dudley. The children visited the church to look around the church and walk the Stations of the Cross together. All of the children really enjoyed being in...

Year 4 visit Harvington Hall

On Wednesday 20th March the children from Year 4 visited Harvington Hall. The children had a wonderful time learning all about the building and its history and were especially fascinated by all of the secret priest holes! The children behaved beautifully and were a...

Year 6 visit BMCC

On Friday 15th March the children from Year 6 were invited to Bishop Milner Catholic College to take part in their Science Week event. Year 6 had the opportunity to look at a range of robotics displays delivered by visiting speakers and go into the planetarium which...

Year 1 visit the library

On Thursday 8th March – World Book Day – the children from Year 1 visited Dudley Library. The children walked to the library dressed as their favourite book characters and took part in a couple of workshops! The children had a great time and are really...