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Year 5 trip!

Year 5 enjoyed their trip to the Thinktank in Birmingham today! The children took part in a Lego workshop and used their programming skills to programme robots!

Year 2 trip!

Year 2 had a beautiful day on their trip to Portishead Lifeboat Centre. The children learned about the important job the volunteers do at the station, how to stay safe by water and Grace Darling! They also had time to enjoy lunch on the beach!

Year 6 trip!

Year 6 had a beautiful time at St Mary’s College, Oscott today. The children learned lots about Bishop Milner and his life along with taking part in a tour and workshop. We are very grateful to everyone at the college for providing such a wonderful day and very proud...

Year 3 out and about!

Year 3 enjoyed the beautiful sunshine when they visited Wroxeter Roman City today! The photo looks like they were really in Rome! The children had an interactive tour of Roman baths, made Roman coins, and had a tour and saw a map of a Roman villa!

Sistine Chapel Exhibition

The winners of our art competition REALLY enjoyed visiting the Sistine Chapel Exhibitionin Birmingham this morning! The children were in awe of the paintings and enjoyed learning all about the meaning behind them!

Reception Trip!

Reception class had a lovely time on their bus trip today! As well as a ride on the bus and a tour of the local area, the children got to explore the bus – including the baggage area and the engine! Their favourite part however was being able to sound horn!...