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EYFS Sports Day

On Thursday 12th July it was the turn of the children from Nursery and Reception class to enjoy Sports Day. The children took part in lots of exciting races and activities and were supported by a large number of parents who had come along to watch.  The house point...

Year 1, 2 and 3 Sports Day

On Wednesday 11th July the children from Year 1, 2 and 3 took part in Sports Day. The children had a lovely time taking part in a number of events including: throwing the bean bag, running and balancing races along with egg (potato) and spoon races and throwing the...

Years 4, 5 and 6 Sports Day

On Monday 9th July it the children from Years 4, 5 and 6 celebrated Sports Day. The children all took part in a range of events including: running, egg (potato) and spoon, bean bag race, ball rolling and basketball events! All of the children and their parents enjoyed...

Football Team in Action!

On Thursday 5th July some of the children from Year 6 visited Kate’s Hill Primary School to take part in a football match after school. Our team had been practising their skills in training and were really excited to take part in the match!  All of the children...

Sports Day Winners!

On Tuesday 18th July we held our Sports Day Winners assembly. Lots of parents were able to join us to find out who the winners are for 2017. It was a close contest but the 2017 Sports Day Winners are…..Respect! Well done to everyone for making all the sports...

Sports Day!

On Monday 17th July it was the turn of Years 4, 5 and 6 to take part in Sports Day. Thr children took part in running, javelin and team races! The children were joined by lots of parents and eyerone had a fantastic time!