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Sport’s Days

The children are having a wonderful time in our Sport’s Days! The children have been taking part in the egg and spoon race, running races and javelin. The winning house will be announced on Friday!

Well done Kindness!

Congratulations to Kindness who won our inter house sports competition! All the children from Kindness received their winners medal in assembly today! Congratulations!

Sports Day Winners!

On Monday 8th July during our Gospel Assembly we congratulated the SPorts Day Winners for 2019. All of the points were added together from the different sports days held last week and we are pleased to announce that it was a VERY close competition this year but it was...

Sports Days!

On Monday it was afternoon nursery and reception class who enjoyed their sports days, Tuesday it was the turn of morning nursery children, Wednesday years 4, 5 and 6 enjoyed taking part in all the races and on Thursday years 1, 2 and 3 finished off our sporting week!...

Sports Day Winners

On Friday 13th July during our merit assembly the Sports Day winners were revealed! There were so many house points won by all the children and the totals were all very close which means that we are very proud of all of the children from Nursery through to Year 6....