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Palm Sunday

Well done to everyone in Year 3 for acting out the events of Palm Sunday in their special Holy Week assembly. It was truly beautiful and helped us all to understand the celebration that took place as Jesus entered Jerusalem.

Year 1’s Assembly

Well done to Year 1 for sharing their beautiful assembly reminding us about Pope Francis’ Encyclical – Fratelli Tutti.  The children reminded us of the Parable of the Good Samaritan and ways in which we can live and care for our brothers and sisters all over the...

FHC Meeting

It was lovely to welcome our Year 3 parents into school for a meeting all about preparing their children to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. Fr Louis also joined us. It’s so lovely to be able to have these special meetings together to support the...


Following Mass today Fr Louis stayed to hear Confession from the children in Years 4, 5 and 6. We first talked about how God knows we’re not perfect and we make mistakes, but we’re so lucky to have a forgiving God who always forgives us when we’re truely...