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Year 1’s Assembly

On Friday 11th October the children from Year 1 shared all of their learning about Mary during our merit assembly. The children acted out some of the special events in Mary’s life and reminded us all why she is so important to us and how she sets a good example...

Year 4 lead assembly

On Friday 4th October the children from Year 4 led our whole school assembly and told us lots about St Francis of Assisi who celebrates his Feast Day today! We thought about how we had already followed St Francis’ example by giving money to CAFOD today and how...

Year 5 lead assembly

On Friday 17th September the children from Year 5 lead our whole school assembly to share their learning all about Saint Vincent De Paul. The children did a fantastic job of explaining how Vincent had spent his life looking after the poor and sick and helped us to...

Year 6’s Assembly

On Friday 13th September the children from Year 6 shared their assembly which was all about Fairtrade. The children took us on a trip to the future to show us what it would be like without people who are able to produce chocolate and it reminded us that they need to...

Year 5 help us celebrate!

On Friday 19th July at our end of year celebration assembly the children from Year 5 performed the dance they created for our Brilliant in Britain Week earlier this month. Thank you Year 5 for helping us to celebrate another successful school year!