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RNLI Assembly

On Monday 22nd May we were lucky to be joined by Caroline who is an RNLI volunteer.  Caroline came into school to talk about her vocation as a volunteer and how she teaches children all over the West Midlands about how to stay safe near the water and the work of the...

Year 5 share their assembly

On Friday 19th May Year 5 shared their assembly with lots of parents and the rest of the school. The children acted out and shared the parable of the unmerciful servant which reminds us of God’s mercy for us and how we should show mercy to others. The children...

Year 3’s Fairtrade Assembly

On Friday 29th April Year 3 presented their assembly all about Fairtrade. The children shared the story of how chocolate is made and that sometimes the farmers do not get a fair wage for the work they do and for their crops.  Year 3 told us how the organisation of...


On Monday 24th April we completed our special footstep journey through Lent by adding the golden footsteps to our Hall display. During Lent we had journeyed through each Station of the Cross and held special assemblies using purple footprints to represent each...