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Year 2 share their assembly

On Friday 17th November Year 2 shared their learning all about Universal Children’s Day in their special assembly. Year 2 told us all about the Rights of Children and the work of Unicef.  The children also reminded us of how lucky we are that we can go to...

Spelling Winners!

On Wednesday 18th October we congratulated our spelling winners for this half term! Each week the children are given 5 or 10 spellings to learn ready for test a week later, if the children get full marks they receive a raffle ticket to put in the spelling jar and each...

A Fond Farewell!

On Friday 13th October we held a special International Link Celebration Assembly to say goodbye to the teachers and Headteacher who are visiting from SP118 school in Poland. During the assembly Year 6C acted out the new story we are sharing with SP118, Year 6M spoke...