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NSPCC Workshops

On Friday 27th April the children from Years 5 and 6 took part I a workshop with visitors from the NSPCC. The workshops have been designed for the older children in school to address issue of abuse.  The children learned about the different types of abuse children can...

Key Stage Two NSPCC Assembly

On Thursday 26th April the children from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 attended an assembly delivered by the NSPCC. The assembly was all about how the children can keep themselves safe in a number of difficult situations.  The children watched short video clips and thought...

Key Stage One NSPCC Assembly

On Thursday 16th April the children from Years 1 and 2 attended a special assembly from the NSPCC. The NSPCC came into school to talk about how important it is for children to keep safe in a number of different situations and what they can do if they feel unsafe or...