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Road Safety

On Monday 14th June the children from Year 6 took part in a Road Safety talk provided by Dudley. Ladies came into school to talk to the children about how to stay safe when they are travelling – this is especially important as they get ready to start Secondary...

EYFS Bus and Police Visit

On Tuesday 25th February the children from Nursery and Reception had some very special visitors from National Express West Midlands and a local Police Officer who all brought a bus with them to school! The children loved exploring the bus and talking about bus travel...

Road Safety

On Wednesday 3rd July the children from Year 6 were visited by a road safety representative from Dudley to talk about the importance of travelling safety – especially important for our Year 6’s who will be travelling to their new secondary school sin...

Year 3 Bikeability

On Wednesday 1st May the children from Year 3 took part in cycling safety training. The children leaned all about how to check that their bike is safe before they ride and how to cycle safely. Well done Year 3!


On Tuesday 30th April the children from Year 5 took part in advanced cycle training which involved going out of school on their bikes and cycling safely on the roads around school. The children took part so sensibly and listened carefully to all of the safety advice...

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 5th February is National Safer Internet Day and we took part by learning even more about ways to use the internet safely and what to do if we spot something which isn’t right. The theme of this years Safer Internet Day is ‘Together for a better...