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Charity Totals

It seems a long time ago now and a lot has happened since we carried out our charity events in March! But we are pleased to announce that we raised a total of £346.31 from our Pancake Flip which we will split between charities the children have chosen and donated...

CAFOD Lent Fast Day

On Friday 15th March the children all took part in CAFOD Lent Fast Day. Everyone gave up their playtime snack during morning break time and donated pennies to CAFOD instead.  This act helps us to both fast and give alms – two of the things the church asks us to...

Pancake Flip

On Tuesday 5th March we held our annual Pancake Flip in school! Everyone from Nursery through to Year 6 was invited to get sponsored to complete the Pancake Flip in the hall to raise money as we prepared to enter the Liturgical season of Lent. The children had a...