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CAFOD Lent Fast Day

Well done to all of the children for taking part in CAFOD’s Lent Fast Day. The children all joined in by fasting their playtime snack – closing the Fairtrade Tuck Shop – and donating the money to CAFOD. Thank you to our families for their generous...

Walk for Hunger

The children should all feel very proud of themselves today as they took part in CAFOD’s Walk for Hunger. The children raised money by getting sponsored to walk laps around the playground carrying items just as refugees often have to when fleeing a country. Thank you...

Thank you!

THANK YOU! A BIG thank you to everyone who was able to make a donation to charity today in exchange for wearing a Christmas jumper / own clothes to school. We raised £154.40 which will be divided between the classes. The children in each class are currently thinking...

Supporting Refresh

Today we delivered our latest collection of food to the Refresh Food Bank in Dudley. Each week the children bring in donations of food and helpful items from home and then take it in turns to deliver it to the food bank and learn about the important work they do to...