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Mini Vinnies at work!

On Wednesday 28th February two of our Mini Vinnies delivered the special CAFOD Fast Day envelopes to all the children in school. Friday 2nd March is CAFOD Family Fast Day in school where children are invited to give up their playtime snack and give the pennies that a...

Poppy Appeal

On Friday 16th February we received a certificate from the Poppy Appeal congratulating us on how much money we raising during the 2017 Poppy Appeal. By helping to sell poppies, wrist bands, rulers etc. in school we raised £371.31! Well done everyone for being so...

Pancake Flip!

On Tuesday 13th February we held our annual sponsored Pancake Flip! All of the children from Nursery to Year 6 all took part in flipping their ‘pancakes’ whilst negotiating an obstacle course.  All of the children had a wonderful time and enjoyed having...