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Mission Team decides!

On Thursday 18th October the children from the Mission Team met together to look through the Mission Award applications. We have received a record number of applications from children from Years 1 -6 who feel they deserve to be awarded the Mission Award for their...

Mission Team Meeting

On Thursday 13th September we held our first Mission Team meeting of the new school year. We began our meeting with a prayer, asking Jesus to be with us and to guide us during the meeting.  The children then worked together to think about both the Catholic Life and...

Mission Team at work!

On Wednesday 18th July the children form the Mission Team met to look at the applications for this half terms Mission Awards. The children took the job very seriously looking carefully through each application and interviewing children to ensure that they met...

Mission Awards

On Monday 30th April we launched our new Mission Awards in school. Children from Years 1-6 have the chance to gain a Mission Award medal by showing that they meet a list of criteria relevant to their age group. Children have a checklist of things which they have to...