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Christmas Fair

On Friday 15th December we held our Christmas Fair after school. The Fair had a very special guest – Father Christmas – for children to visit both during the afternoon (Fast-Track!) or during the Fair. The Christmas Fair is a very popular event in our...

Christmas Tree

Even though school was closed on Friday 8th December due to the heavy snow, our Christmas Tree at the front of the school looked very festive!

Kindness win the House Cup

On Friday 7th April during the merit assembly the House Cup was presented to the Kindness House Captain form Year 6. During the term since Christmas it had been a very close contest between all of our house point teams with the leader board changing almost on a weekly...

We are Poppy Award Winners!

On Monday 13th March Miss Jukes and some children from Year 6 visited the Mayors Parlour in Dudley to collect a special certificate and trophy. St Joseph’s was awarded a certificate and lovely trophy for “the highest average collection per pupil”...

Safer Internet Day 2017

On Tuesday 7th February all of the children at St Joseph’s took part in Safer Internet Day – “Be the change: Unite for a better internet”. The children all learned about the importance of staying safe on the internet by completing a range of...