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Spelling Awards

On Friday 16th February we congratulated the spelling and phonic winners for this half term. Every week the children receive 5 or 10 words to learn at home for a test the following week.  If the children score full marks they receive a raffle ticket to put in the...

Fantastic French!

On Friday 16th February some of the children from Year 5 were congratulated for their wonderful efforts in French so far this term. The children all received a special certificate to acknowledge all of their hard work this half term! Toutes nos felicitations...

A ‘tasty’ parents evening!

On Thursday 15th February we held our Spring term parents evening. After half term our school dinners are going to be provided by Bishop Milner Catholic College and Trudy from Bishop Milner took the time to come to our parents evening to give the children and parents...

Respect Wins!

During our Merit Assembly on Tuesday 19th December Respect were awarded the House Cup for this term! Respect had secured the most house points since returning to school in September and now the House Cup will be dressed in the colour green to represent Respect up...

Spelling Winners!

During the Merit Assembly on Tuesday 19th December the winners of this half terms spelling and phonics raffle were congratulated and awarded a £5  voucher to spend at Tesco. Each week the children are given spellings to learn for a test a week later.  Every time a...