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Rosary Beads

On Thursday 4th October the children from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 were given special coloured rosary beads to use in school when praying the rosary. The children pray the Rosary each day during October and now in addition to the teacher’s large rosary beads the...

eSafety Recognition

We are proud to announce that we have been awarded a certificate for our work around information sharing and safeguarding from RM Education. The certificate shows that we have all the correct  procedures in place to keep information safe and to protect any sensitive...

Creation Guardians

On Thursday 20th September the Creation Guardians received their special badges in recognition of their new roles. The Creation Guardians are responsible for helping us all to protect and conserve God’s wonderful world! Some of their responsibilities include looking...

International School Award

In July 2018 the British Council based in London awarded St Joseph’s with the International School Award! Miss Wisniewski, who leads our international link work, carefully prepared our application which showed all of the international work we do both in the...

Bible Garden Harvest

On Monday 10th September we harvested our first produce from our bible garden – a huge marrow measuring over 50cm in length! Our current Year 6 planted the marrow seeds last year and have been overwhelmed with the size of their harvest! The children are planning...

House Cup

During our merit assembly on Friday 20th July the grand total for the house point competition was revealed and this term it is Kindness who have won the house cup! It was a very close competition with so many house points being collected by all of the children, but...