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Reading Around the World Challenge

On Friday 8th November we presented the first of our Reading Around the World medals to children who have successfully reaching the first or second destination on their journey! Everyone has a special Reading Passport with six journeys to complete! For every journey...

Spelling and Phonic Winners!

During our merit assembly on Wednesday 23rd October we gave out £5 vouchers to the children who had won the spelling raffle for this half term. Each week the children are given spellings to learn, if in their test they get full marks they are given a raffle ticket to...

Goodbye and Good Luck Year 6

On Friday 19th July the children from Year 6 treated us to one last dance performance before they leave St Joseph’s. We are very proud of all of our Year 6 children, they have been a pleasure to have at St Joseph’s and even though they are leaving the...

Well done to our Choir

During the end of year celebration assembly on Friday 19th July the choir performed one of the songs they have been practising during their lunchtime club. They did a fantastic performance and really got us in the mood for our summer holidays!

100% Attendance for the whole year!

On Friday 19th July during our merit assembly we congratulated the children who have achieved of 100% attendance for the whole of the school year! There were lots of children who had 100% attendance and they all received a gift voucher for £5 to enjoy spending in the...