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Reading Shed

Today we launched the Reading Shed! A place where children can access and enjoy books outside during break and lunchtimes.  The children were so excited and even helped to set it up!

Smoothie Bike

What fun we have had today! The smoothie bike came to St Joseph’s and the children got the chance to create their own exotic smoothies by choosing fresh fruit and then powering the smoothie maker to create their own unique smoothie using pedal power! The children had...

The libraries are back!

We are EXTREMELY happy to have our KS1 and KS2 libraries back in operation! Children can take home a book from the library every fortnight to enjoy with an adult at home! There are a range of both fiction and non-fiction books to choose from!

Our kitchen is cooking!

Our school kitchen is cooking! We are SO happy to have a fully working kitchen at St Joseph’s – the first time in over 20 years! Thank you to our wonderful and talented kitchen staff who are cooking and preparing some wonderful food for our children to...