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World Book Day

On Friday 5th March we celebrated World Book Day! All of the classes had a book focussed lesson & some classes shared their favourite stories! On Monday the children will all receive a World Book Day book to take home along with a book token towards other books...

Reading Books!

We have been busy refreshing our reading books during lockdown! We have brought lots of new beautiful books for all the children to enjoy when they return to school!

Our new playground!

On Wednesday 9th September our new playground was completed! We are so excited that we have been able to provide a lovely new playground for the children with benches, climbing equipment, trim trail and lovely astro turf! We REALLY hope the children can enjoy playing...

One way system in place

Mr Gilbert has been busy getting school ready for when some children return next week. There will be a STRICT one way system in place form Monday 8th June – in through the front gate and out through the back gate.  This is to ensure social distancing when on the...