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Reading Competition

Today we launched our latest Reading Competition. Children have been challenged to try and convince us to read a book which they have read and enjoyed. The most persuasive book review from each class will win a prize and every entry will win a small reward too!

World Book Day 2022!

Today we celebrated World Book Day by coming into school dressed as our favourite book characters / superheroes – the staff even joined in too! During the day the children completed book focussed activities and learned more about different authors.

Thank you Mr Hinton

A beautiful addition to our prayer area. A Sacred Heart of Jesus statue brought for the children by Mr Hinton. We are very grateful to have such a lovely statue in our school.

Well done!

Today we said well done to the children who have won the spelling awards for this term, we congratulated the children who successfully completed their Mission Award applications and finally, we awarded our writing competition winners their prizes! Well done everyone...