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Music Perfomances

It was wonderful to see and hear the children from Years 3, 5 and 6 share their learning in Music with Mr C this term.  The children performed music that they have been learning on the drums, guitars and orchestral instruments to lots of parents who were able to...

Thank you Mr C!

Mr C has been working on a song with Year 6 for the past term which has now been finished. It involves all year groups and he recorded them all in school during the music lessons.   The idea started from a conversation with year 6 asking them what they wanted the song...

Hagley Band Visit

On Monday 8th July children from Hagley Secondary School visited us to share a musical presentation which this year had a punk theme! All of the children enjoyed learning about the theme of punk and about some of the instruments the children were playing. Everyone had...

Recorder Concert

On Tuesday 25th June the children from Years 1 and 2 shared all their learning about recorders with their families during a special concert. The children performed songs which they had been learning and everyone was very impressed with their skills! Well done...

Year 5’s Concert

On Tuesday 26th February the children from Year 5 invited the rest of the children from Key Stage 2 and their parents to come into school to watch their concert. During the last three half terms the children have been working with Mr C from Dudley Performing Arts in...

Year 4’s Concert

On Tuesday 26th February the children from Year 4 invited the rest of the children from Key Stage 2 and their parents to come into school to watch their concert. During the last three half terms the children have been working with Mr C from Dudley Performing Arts in...