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Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

On Thursday 14th November the Anti-bullying Ambassadors were hard at work delivering a lunchtime anti-bullying club. The children prepared all of the resources independently and the club was very well attended! Thank you Ambassadors for all of your hard...

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 5th February is National Safer Internet Day and we took part by learning even more about ways to use the internet safely and what to do if we spot something which isn’t right. The theme of this years Safer Internet Day is ‘Together for a better...

Anti-Bullying Assembly

On Friday 16th November during our Merit Assembly children from each of the classes (from Nursery to Year 6) shared with the rest of the school some of the activities and work that they had completed during anti-bullying week. It was lovely to hear what each class has...

Stop Speak Support

This Anti-Bullying Week (Monday 12th – Friday 16th November 2018) we have taken part in the first ever Stop Speak Support Day on Thursday 15th November to highlight the issue of cyberbullying. The day is supported by the Royal Foundation and the Royal Cyberbullying...

Anti-bullying Ambassadors

During Anti-Bullying Week our St Joseph’s Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have been hard at work! Throughout lunchtimes the children have planned and delivered a range of activities to children from the rest of the school, including: drawing pictures of themselves and...