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Loud Mouth Theatre Group

On Friday 26th January Loud Mouth Theatre company visited St Joseph’s to share a performance with the children from Years 5 and 6. The theme of the performance was Helping Hands which focuses on Child Sexual Exploitation and how the children can stay safe. ...

Working with Guy

On Friday 1st December Guy from the eZone came into work with children from Years 3 and 6. Guy worked with the children to create some natural Christmas decorations out of willow. The children really enjoyed making their decorations and can’t wait to put them up...

Our School Nurse

During the People who Help Us Week in EYFS, Mel our school nurse came to talk to the children about her job and how she works to look after both young and old people. The children really enjoyed the session and learning all about the many roles of Mel our school...


During the week beginning 27th November the children from Key Stage Two were able to take part in the Bikeability programme. The children from Years 3 and 4 took part in one session on the playground where they learn how to ride safely, indicate whilst riding and...

Fire Fighters!

On Thursday 30th November the children from EYFS were visited by a Fire Fighting crew. The visitors came into school to talk to the children about how they help other people as part of EYFS’s People who help us week! The children all really enjoyed the session...

People who help us

On Tuesday 28th November the children from EYFS were visited by an ambulance crew. The visitors came into school to talk to the children about how they help other people as part of EYFS’s People who help us week! The children all really enjoyed the session...